18 | Drs Chris van Tulleken & Xand van Tulleken

Drs Chris and Xand van Tulleken were born seven minutes apart, but don't know who arrived first! As older brothers to 'Bratty', the trio enjoyed an idyllic childhood with an "anarchic", fun-loving dad and a perfectly complementary mum who worked hard to provide for the family and instilled a work ethic in her three sons. As teens the twins decided to become doctors, and cooperated beautifully to study for their medical school interviews. It was - by their own admission - a rare episode in a relationship which can otherwise be dogged by squabbles and rows: and yet the pair *clearly* adore each other, as highlighted by a recent near-death experience which showed them how dependent they are on each other. Don’t miss their new podcast series on food and weight, which obsesses them both…


19 | Dame Jenni Murray


17 | Chris Packham & Jenny Packham