20 | Angela Eagle MP & Maria Eagle MP

Labour MPs Angela and Maria Eagle were encouraged to aim high from as early as they can remember. At eight years old, the twins started beating their dad at chess and quickly moved on to defeating the boys at their local club. As well as chess, their parents also taught them about equality for women and the value of education. At home they were immersed in politics - debating and arguing with each other as well as "shouting at the telly" if a Conservative happened to be on "spouting Tory nonsense." As serving members of Parliament they are sustained by the bond forged as children – and in 2016, when Angela made her bid to replace Jeremy Corbyn as party leader, Maria provided emotional support in the face of relentless trolling and abuse, some of which focused on her sister's sexuality.


21 | Kirsten O’Brien & Tim O’Brien


19 | Dame Jenni Murray