38 | Christopher & Nicholas Frayling

Professor Sir Christopher Frayling - or Podge - is one the country's leading cultural historians. His older brother, The Very Reverend Nicholas Frayling - or Nick the Vic - was the Dean of Chichester before he retired. Born shortly after World War 2 to an ambitious father and a trailblazing mother, the boys had very different paths to success. Being sent away to school at 7 was tough for both 'Frayling Major and Frayling Minor', who became "partners is adversity" during those difficult years. Academia saved one boy, music saved the other. Now though, they look back at their childhood together with a lot of affection and celebrate each others remarkable careers.

Nicholas is the chaplain for the British Nuclear Test Veterans Association.

Christopher's writing can be found here.


39 | Sophie Robinson & Edward Robinson


37 | Helen Thorn & John Thorn