44 | Pat Owtram & Jean Owtram

Pat and Jean Owtram are believed to be the only living sisters who signed the official secrets act.. and as a result it was not until after WW2 that they were able to tell one another what they had been doing to help the Allies defeat the Germans. Independent, clever and adventurous, the sisters are now a remarkable 98 and 96. Born in the aftermath of WW1, the girls were (unusually) determined not to settle for conventional lives. We talk about code breaking, travel, letter writing and memories from a childhood in the 1920s. And the sisters reflect on being each other's 'most important person' for nearly 100 years. Their book is called Codebreaking Sisters: Our Secret War.


45 | Leroy Logan MBE & Hyacinth Roberts


43 | Beatrice & Rosemary Mac Cabe